Saturday, July 25, 2009

A show about something: NBC to Cancel Kings?

In New York at 9PM, A show called Kings on NBC ended its first season. It is feared that it will no longer continue on this or any other network. And for this reason, my belief in this show, I write to anyone willing to read that here lies a show on its death bed in the hands of a Network that cares nothing about how you and I feel, but how its effected financially.

Understandably, a Network relies on a show for its staying power by its audience. And without one-a very large one, it will cancel and use what ever means to meet they're expectation, regardless of your love and belief in a show.

I personally have not watched a show that has given me a purpose to stay home on Saturday nights since HBO's The Sopranos. (Yes, I remember The Sopranos aired on Sundays, still the same, I made sure Sundays was for 'Tony' and Saturdays for 'Silas & David')

There once was a 'show about nothing.' It too was facing the same fate of Kings. That little show went on to become one of the most watched and loved shows in America. 'A show about nothing' that aired on NBC that grew and mainlined 'our' most beloved characters into pop culture, birthing catch phrases even still used today. So popular that it's even unnecessary to mention the show, yada yada yada....

I believe NBC lies with the same decision with Kings. It can shamefully cast the show into the same darkness where lives "The Greatest American Hero" (ABC), "Sliders" (Fox/Sci-fi) and ironically actor Ian McShanes (Silas-Kings) "DeadWood" on HBO.

Whether or not you watched any of those shows is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Kings should not share the same fate.

I feel that there should be columns made to reason why Kings had poor ratings. If there were a column or list of reasons, I feel they would be set and split as follows:

Column One-People simply did not get it. Maybe some did not appreciate a story that was based on the Bibles David and Goliath and so believed it was a 'religious' show

Column Two-People missed episodes (NBC switched Kings from Sunday to Saturday nights) and by the time people realized Kings switched nights, they could no longer follow the story line

Column Three-Saturdays were wrong for most people, it is after all Saturday night, right?(er, Tivo, DVR anyone?)

Column four-NBC's failure to advertise and market the show consistently, therefor seemingly making it less appealing/attractive virtually unknown to TV audiences

I firmly believe that column four is responsible for such low ratings. I hope that NBC can accept its mistakes and give us, the devoted fans new and 'old,' a chance to see Kings play out in its entirety.

"NBC, you really need to look into the palm of your hands and realize that you are holding a 'modern classic!' I for one will not forgive you for not giving this show the chance it deserves. Saying that, I will not so much as watch the local news on your network!"

I believe to 'resuscitate' Kings, that between now and the second season, NBC should rerun the first season leading to the new second season.

Kings can be given life by NBC pushing and airing more commercials exposing Kings, allowing the characters to be associated with NBC promos and perhaps casting the actors into shows already airing on NBC maybe even contests or giveaways associated with show. (I personally would love a chance to collaborate with the writers on the show!) Anything! But at least give it 'traditional' advertising, Come on!

You cannot expect a show to pick up on its own, those of us who are fortunate to 'run into Kings' are aware of its potential. We are so lucky to have found & have part in Kings, but if it cancels, it would of been better to not know of it at all!

If you are reading this, I urge you to watch Kings full episodes on I promise that you will be captivated and watching full episodes one by one! If not, contact me on here and tell me I'm wrong-But if you fall in love, then comment as well so that I remain motivated and show NBC our support!

And as you watch and are pulled into the story, I urge you to not wait till you've watched both seasons before doing something. I knew from the first episode that this show was going to be big, but because it has fell short did not mean the show was weak. It was NBC's support of the show that was weak and caused people to not have sight of Kings.

I hope that even in this time that our Country faces many challenges, that it will not stop you from forgetting that you still have a voice, even for a show. But its a show that gives us a reason, a way to escape if even for just an hour a week. Express yourself, and entertain yourself with a show that has so much potential.

On behalf of Kings fans everywhere, I thank you. I truly believe I'm giving some of you an opportunity to experience a real treat in television. Especially those of us who are lovers of escaping life through great stories and brilliant characters... I don't see any show that compares to it. Haven't we all had a bit too much of reality (TV)?


Im too unhappy to write.